California Republican Party Endorses Senator Janet Nguyen For Supervisor

Orange County, CA - - Today Senator Janet Nguyen announced the endorsement of the California Republican Party in her campaign for the 1st District of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The endorsement is especially notable because it is rare for the California Republican Party to make endorsements at the local level.


California Republican Party Chair, Jessica Patterson outlined the reasons for Republicans uniting behind Senator Nguyen early:


"Senator Janet Nguyen has a lifetime of fighting for conservative values and she has done it in districts where only a few Republicans could win. She continues to stand above politics as usual that is what makes her so endearing to voters. To put it simply, she gets things done for her district. Her ability to bring people together is outmatched and that is why she has earned the support of the California Republican Party. "


In addition to the California Republican Party, Senator Janet Nguyen has had a clean sweep of notable endorsements to date including Orange County and statewide endorsers such as the Republican Party of Orange County, the Lincoln Club of Orange County, The New Majority, the California Republican Assembly, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers' Association PAC and the Orange County Young Republicans.

Paid for by Janet Nguyen for Supervisor 2024

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